Sunday, 24 August 2014

Week 14 Mission Blue

New on Netflix is "Mission Blue" a documentary about Sylvia Earle; a prominent, kick ass, oceanographer. I was not looking for a candidate for this week's topic, totally stumbled on. It made a huge impression and has stayed with me all week.

I'm happiest in the water. I'm a swimmer and I love to sail and scuba dive. Dr Earle has spent 7000 hours under the water ~ 1 year!! Over the last 50 years she has been a witness to the massive changes in the ocean caused by overfishing and climate change. I consider myself quite educated about environmental matters but I did not know that the ocean is essentially the planets lungs. Producing most of the Oxygen and collecting most of the CO2

Its not an unhappy movie (well some parts are!) It is a positive movie, we can fix it and good people are trying to.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Week 12 The ocean clean up (oops deleted! but retrieved)

My heroes are people who seem to have a build in drive for fixing the larger problems in this world. Those people are not hollywood stars, and while they can have money they don't seem to be motivated by it. They are often super smart and...daring.

Elon Musk is one. Recently another person has been Boyan Slat [it seems there may be something in having a slightly strange name]. Boyan is 19 years old and wants to clean the oceans of plastic - you know those giant garbage patches clogging up our aquatic ecosystems.

Boyan went scuba diving in Greece a few years ago and found more plastic bags than fish. It bothered him, but unlike everyone else he decided to do something about it. Instead of the ship with nets idea he thought building a stationary structure and letting the ocean move through it (since the major oceans have gyres - that is they move in a giant circular motion) this could collect the plastic - then a belt would lift the plastic out. Well it is a little bit more complicated than that but that is the general idea.

He postponed his engineering studies to work on this, crowd funding to work on the feasibility study with a large group helping him. Now the study is done, it is feasible. Now into phase II, another round of crowdfunding which is my contribution this week.

"To reduce the uncertainties, to optimize the design and to prepare for the actual implementation, The Ocean Cleanup now commences on the second phase of the project: the pilot phase.
Through a series of up-scaled tests, The Ocean Cleanup will work towards a large-scale and fully operational pilot in 3-4 years’ time. The series of tests will generate new data in a range of structural and physical topics. Furthermore, these up-scaling tests will serve as a platform for the engineering and oceanographic research groups, enabling them to immediately implement newly developed technology or testing equipment in a real-life environment"

Week 13 Engineers without borders

Joined the local chapter pf EWB! The Boston professional chapter seems to be very active.

Very excited. Hope to volunteer a little this year. It would be nice to meet some new people who care about these issues.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Week 11 was not my original plan for this week but it seems paypal does not like me and that is the only option for donation!!..

So, it is this week. I was going to get to 350, at a later time. It is another activist environmental group.

A couple years ago I went to Bill McKibbon's "math tour" essentially, finally, the scientist laid out a plan including a firm goal for carbon in our environment - at 350 ppm (actually less would be better - this is the limit), at the moment it is 400 ppm....More math...he explained that if the fossil fuel industry burns what it projects to do -  80-90 years from now this planet will essentially not be livable by humans due to a ~6 degree rise in temperature (we need to keep that rise < 2 degrees). However the fossil industry has included this future "burn" as part as its future earnings. Its is silly that all this fuel, currently in the ground, has an investment price on it.....guys, we may not be here to collect....certainly our grandchildren will not.

This ties into the divestment idea I mentioned in an earlier post.

Here is a proof of sorts...