Friday 30 May 2014

Week 2 The Lizzy Project

Funds for anti-bullying movie raised through kickstarter.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in a world without bullying.

If that's not possible, then wouldn't it be powerful to have a strong role model for bullied people. Someone who survived intense bulling and later thrived because of it.

Lizzy Vasquez was born with a medical condition that prohibits her from gaining weight. Now 25 years old, she has never weighed more than 60 pounds. This condition has led to other medical complications including a weakened immune system and blindness in one eye.

Several years ago someone proclaimed Lizzy as the "ugliest woman in the world" in a Youtube video that ended up having more than 4 million hits. Some comments on this video were even worse referring to Lizzy as "it" and "monster".

The amazing thing is that Lizzy came away from this experience wanting to give hope and comfort to others. Initially she was extremely hurt, as anyone would be, but she started to make plans and form goals. She became a motivational speaker, wrote books about positive self image, and essentially thrived.

After listening to her talk for 5 minutes it is impossible not to be charmed.

....some of the comments on the kickstarter page:

"Awesomeness. I discovered this campaign through its coverage on MSN, and over the past couple of days acquainted myself with Lizzie's story and accomplishments. What an amazingly strong and beautiful woman you are Lizzie."

"I wish I could give even more! Huge fan of Lizzie for a couple of years now...she's such a sweet soul! Of all the campaigns I've supported and will support in the future, I am proudest to back this one."

Friday 23 May 2014

Week 1 Pencils of Promise

Week 1  Pencils of promise

Pencils of promise is a for purpose organization that builds schools, trains teachers and funds scholarships. Adam Braun, the founder, worked in the financial industry but had a calling, a purpose he had to fulfill. When backpacking he asked a child in each country "what would you like the most". After a boy in India answered "A pencil" it stuck with him until he had to do something about it.

Educating our children lifts them and their communities out of poverty.

In addition to helping these communities these schools are observed for learning strategies that can be put to use globally.

Not originally my first or starting pick but listened to very cool videos today - thanks Toby;search%3Atag%3A%22tedxcolumbiacollege%22 

Adam has a great perspective on success and goals.
Contribution = $20, hopefully it will not always be money but with full-time job and full-time family this is what can be offered for now.

The 1st step is the most difficult and often not taken because of procrastination...

Let it begin :)

Inspired by the book "Give a Little" (by Wendy Smith) I've thought a lot about giving being more of a habit than an occasional occurrence. Smith makes a powerful statement that ordinary folks like you and me - overall - make the biggest contributions to charities and NGOs and that even small donations have ripple effects that can make big change. My idea is to investigate a project or charity every week for a year....and contribute! Blogging about this process makes the pledge more concrete and hopefully more fun.